The CF 8/4 DX
has been designed to meet extremely high demands on resolution, dynamics, sensitivity, geometric stability and computer control.It ensures excellent image results because all essential
processes are completely digital - from the image formation and transfer to the image storage.
Precisely pixelsynchronous digitization and camera configurations that can be stored as data sets
ensure 100 % reproducible results and optimum conditions for quantitative image analysis.
The system offers optimized dynamics through adjustments that concentrate on those gray levels in the
image with the most image information, especially with low-contrast objects.
The real-time display on the computer monitor is possible by using the PCI-Bus.
Additionally to the
standard equipment versions with remote camera head are available.
KAPPA offers an extensive software library, a Software Development Kit, user-specific software adaptations and the direct
integration into archiving and measuring programs under the KAPPA ImageBase.