Cooled mono- 
 chrome camera


Cooled High Resolution Digital Black and White Camera System Kappa DX 3C

DX 3C is a complete system arrangement containing all components from the digital image acquisition to the storage into the PC. The components are well suited to each other and ensure a simple installation and an optimal control.

The version DX 3C has a double-stage peltier cooling eliminating the thermal noise that occurs at longer integration times. With a sensor temperature of less than -5° C a sensitivity of 0.00028 lux is obtained at an integration time of 60 s.

Excellent images are produced and are available in a modular software concept. Beside the known data formats (bmp, tif, ...) the DX 3C can also produce raw data.

Raw data offer the possibility to represent the data of the image acquisition as color or black-and-white image at a later time or to select only a certain part of the image.

Another advantage is the variable structure of the control software. The user can choose between many possible adjustments and measuring methods and so create his own software that is suitable for his special task.

This system meets all demands: from obtaining a quick and sure laboratory result by pressing a button to the scientific experiment with camera raw data.

n Ready to install complete
      system with camera, PCI
      interface board and software

n Progressive Scan CCD with
       1300 x 1030 picture elements

n Double-stage
       Peltier air-cooling

n 12 Bit digitization with more
        than 60 dB signal to noise
        ratio each color channel

n 10 Frames/second

n Horizontal and vertical
       binning 2 to 8 for
       increasing the sensitivity
       and shorter image

n Integration into adequate
       programs via TWAIN

n Modular unit of the software
       package KAPPA ImageBase
       for archiving and interactive
       image measurement


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