Zip Connection
PC Connection
Key turn system

The  HC-300Z is a photomicrographic digital camera which can store photomicrographic image data  directly to 100MB zip disks or to PC

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Store high definition digital  images to zip disk, without using a PC.

Zip disk driver software is installed in the camera head of the HC-300Z. By  connecting the Zip drive to the SCSI port and connecting the dedicated control box,  photomicrographic image data can be saved to the Zip drive without using a PC.

Store high definition images at high speed.
The read/write speed of Zip disks is quite high, so storage takes place at  speeds much higher than MO disks or other media.  For instance, it only takes 20  seconds to store TIFF-RGB image data. In addition, the camera head includes memory for  storage of up to 4 images, so you can shoot a moving sample in 6 second intervals.

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Save loads of high definition images
A Zip disk is a 100MB high volume storage media. From 160 to 650 JPEG  images (JPEG data size varies with content and compression) or up to 26 TIFF-RGB can be  stored on a single disk.

Supports both TIFF-RGB and JPEG image formats.
The HC-300Z uses a DOS formatted Zip disk, and can shoot images in both  TIFF-RGB and JPEG image formats. Both image formats are compatible with commercial image  processing software such as PhotoShop on Windows and Macintosh PC's.

If you have a small TV monitor for focusing, a PC is  not required for operation, so there is plenty of space around the microscope.
Because a PC or monitor is not required for shooting and storage, you can  set up in small workspaces such as laboratories with lots of experimenting equipment or  semiconductor manufacturing clean rooms, without any trouble.

You can capture images with a single press of a button,  just like normal photo shooting.
With the control box at hands reach, you can control shooting and storage,  exposure, auto exposure lock, direct filing and printing, and all the other various camera  functions, just like a normal Automatic Photomicrographic system.  Without worrying  about complicated computer operation, you can really concentrate on your work.

You can check your shooting on a TV monitor, so you  never get a bad shot.
You can check the framing and focus of your image on a TV monitor before  you save or print, so you never fail. With the HC-300Z you never have to deal with waiting  for film to develop, so you realize a major increase in productivity and a reduction in  printing costs.

Increase off-line productivity.
You can start shooting immediately by flipping the power switch and  slipping in a Zip disk.  When you are done, just take your Zip disk to your PC and  work on your report or analysis in a more relaxed environment.

[Sony XC003P] [Kappa CF20/4] [Kappa DX30] [Fuji HC-300Z]