Zip Connection

The  HC-300Z is a photomicrographic digital camera which can store photomicrographic image data  directly to 100MB zip disks.

Zip Connection
PC Connection
Key turn system

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Store high definition digital  images to zip disk, without using a PC.

Zip disk driver software is installed in the camera head of the HC-300Z. By  connecting the Zip drive to the SCSI port and connecting the dedicated control box,  photomicrographic image data can be saved to the Zip drive without using a PC.

Advanced operability.

  • By using the control box, you can initiate Save, Print or Save  and Print each by a single button press.
  • You can save and print at the same time. In the midst of  continuous shooting, you can store your images on the Zip disk and send only the best shots  to the printer


Save loads of high definition images

  • A Zip disk is a 100MB high volume storage media. From 160 to 650 JPEG  images (JPEG data size varies with content and compression) or up to 26 TIFF-RGB can be  stored on a single disk.

You can print directly.

  • Print your images on the high definition digital color printer  without using a PC.
  • Images are transferred to the printer in 30 seconds and print out  in only 50 seconds The camera body can hold up  to four images in memory, so you can continue to shoot while printing, or even start  additional print jobs.

Configurations Items.

Optional control  box CB-300Z
Shoot, save, print, exposure adjustment, auto exposure lock, auto white balance can  all be set easily. All direct save and print features can be controlled.


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Foot switch SF-1002
Foot switch for easy shoot control of the camera


Zip drive 100 (for the HC-300Z)
1.4MB per second high speed data transfer (using SCSI) High speed overwrite 480g  light weight design. Freely stand up or lay flat. Easily portable


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[Sony XC003P] [Kappa CF20/4] [Kappa DX30] [Fuji HC-300Z]